How to change the oil on your dirt bike

Motocross bikes need their oil changed more frequently than regular cars or street motorcycles for a couple of reasons:

  • Severe Operating Conditions: Motocross bikes are ridden in harsh environments filled with dirt, dust, and water. This contaminates the oil much faster than typical road use.
  • High-Performance Engines: Motocross engines are designed for maximum power and are revved hard, which breaks down the oil quicker than a car engine.

If you don’t change the oil regularly  you can get increased wear and tear, reduced lubrication, and overheating.

Changing the oil is a fairly straightforward process, but it’s important to do it correctly to keep your bike running smoothly. We’ve put together a general guide below, however if you’d rather leave it to the professionals Tracktion has a full workshop with qualified and experienced technicians happy to help with your dirt bike maintenance.

Before you start

  • Consult your owner’s manual: This is the best source of information for your specific bike, including the type and amount of oil required.
  • Gather your supplies:ย You’ll need an oil drain pan, a socket wrench that fits the drain plug, a new oil filter (if you have a four stroke), fresh oil, rags, and possibly a funnel.
  • Warm up the engine: This will help the oil flow more easily when you drain it. Just let it run for a few minutes, don’t get it super hot.

Drain the old oil

  1. Place the oil drain pan under the engine where the drain plug is located.
  2. Loosen the drain plug with the socket wrench. Be careful, the oil will start to drain out quickly.
  3. Let the oil drain completely into the pan. This may take a few minutes.
  4. Tip the bike slightly to get out any residual oil.
  5. Inspect the drain plug washerย and replace it if it’s worn or damaged. These washers are designed to allow them to squish up when tightened to ensure a proper seal.

Replace the oil filter

  1. Locate the oil filter (if you have a four stroke), which is usually on the side of the engine crankcase.
  2. Remove the oil filter cover (depending on your model). Be careful, some oil may come out as well.
  3. Remove the old filter and dispose of it properly.
  4. Apply a thin coat of fresh oilย to the gasket of the new filter and put it in place.
  5. Replace the oil filter cover and tighten it to spec.

Add new oil

  1. Consult your owner’s manual for the exact amount of oil needed for your bike.
  2. Pour the new oil slowly into the engine filler hole, using a funnel to avoid spills.
  3. Check the oil levelย using the sight glass to ensure the level is correct (follow your owners manual for this step)

Final Touches

  1. Wipe up any spills with a rag.
  2. Start the engine and let it run for a minute or two.
  3. Check for leaks around the drain plug and oil filter.
  4. Turn off the engine and recheck the oil level after a few minutes. You may need to add a little more oil to reach the proper level.

Safety and disposal tips

  • Wear gloves and safety glasses when handling used oil.
  • Dispose of used oil and filters responsibly at a designated recycling center. Don’t pour it down the drain or on the ground!

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